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Introduction to the D&I Leadership Series

NASA Administrator, Charles F. Bolden

As we chart the future of America’s space program, NASA recognizes the need to attract, develop, and leverage the full spectrum of intellectual talent our country has to offer.  We seek also to ensure that the talent pipeline leading to the science and engineering fields affords equal opportunities for individual talents and abilities to emerge and grow.   Such efforts are consistent with the national goal of educating one million more science, engineering, mathematics, and technology (STEM) graduates that will be needed in the coming decades to bolster the innovation and productivity of the workforce, educate our citizens, and expand our economy. It is within this context that we have and continue to ask NASA grantee educational institutions to share their ideas and best practices for developing the next generation of STEM graduates, and more specifically, to increasing the participation of America’s historically underrepresented groups.  We believe the work the institutions are doing to create a welcoming environment for a broadly diverse STEM faculty, student body, and post-doctorate community, is a story that many will find compelling.


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