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Promising Practices for Colleges and Universities

In the course of conducting civil rights compliance reviews of our grant recipient institutions, NASA has gathered a wealth of information on promising practices for better ensuring equal opportunities in various contexts. In the science center and museum setting, we have gathered and now share promising practices regarding meaningful access for persons who are limited English proficient and improved access for individuals with disabilities. In the higher education context, we have focused on the issues of women and nontraditionally aged students in STEM fields. We believe the practices we have found in these areas can benefit our other recipients greatly in meeting their own obligations under the civil rights laws.

Title IX of the Education
Amendments Act of 1972

Under Title IX, educational programs receiving Federal financial assistance are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of sex and must ensure equal educational opportunities for all program beneficiaries.

Age Discrimination
Act of 1975

The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (Age Act) prohibits discrimination based on age in programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance (FFA).

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NASA Official: Steve Shih
Site Curator: Ronald Mochinski